Aquatic Ecology

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Invasive Arten

  1. Wittenborn, D.; Jeschke, J.M. Im Druck. Characteristics of exotic ants in North America. NeoBiota.
  2. Jeschke, J.M. 2011. Range modeling. In: Simberloff, D.; Rejmánek, M. (Hrsg.). Encyclopedia of Biological Invasions, S. 568-571. University of California Press, Berkeley.
  3. Jeschke, J.M.; Genovesi, P. 2011. Do biodiversity and human impact influence the introduction or establishment of alien mammals? Oikos 120, 57-64. DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0706.2010.18621.x
  4. Engel, K.; Tollrian, R.; Jeschke, J.M. 2011. Integrating biological invasions, climate change, and phenotypic plasticity. Communicative & Integrative Biology 4, 247-250. DOI:10.4161/cib.4.3.14885
  5. Keller, R.P.; Geist, J.; Jeschke, J.M.; Kühn, I. 2011. Invasive species in Europe: ecology, status, and policy. Environmental Sciences Europe 23, 23. DOI:10.1186/2190-4715-23-23
  6. Carlsson, N.O.L.; Jeschke, J.M.; Holmqvist, N.; Kindberg, J. 2010. Long-term data on invaders: when the fox is away, the mink will play. Biological Invasions 12, 633-641. DOI:10.1007/s10530-009-9470-z
  7. van Kleunen, M.; Dawson, W.; Schlaepfer, D.; Jeschke, J.M.; Fischer, M. 2010. Are invaders different? A conceptual framework of comparative approaches for assessing determinants of invasiveness. Ecology Letters 13, 947-958. DOI: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2010.01503.x
  8. Jeschke, J.M. 2009. Across islands and continents, mammals are more successful invaders than birds (Reply to Rodriguez-Cabal et al.). Diversity and Distributions 15, 913-914. DOI:10.1111/j.1472-4642.2009.00584.x
  9. Blackburn, T.M.; Jeschke, J.M. 2009. Invasion success and threat status: two sides of a different coin? Ecography 32, 83-88. DOI:10.1111/j.2008.0906-7590.05661.x
  10. Jeschke, J.M. 2008. Across islands and continents, mammals are more successful invaders than birds. Diversity and Distributions 14, 913-916. DOI:10.1111/j.1472-4642.2008.00488.x
  11. Jeschke, J.M.; Strayer, D.L. 2008. Usefulness of bioclimatic models for studying climate change and invasive species. In: Ostfeld, R.S.; Schlesinger, W.H. (Hrsg.). The Year in Ecology and Conservation Biology 2008. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1134, 1-24. DOI:10.1196/annals.1439.002
  12. Jeschke, J.M.; Strayer, D.L. 2008. Are threat status and invasion success two sides of the same coin? Ecography 31, 124-130. DOI:10.1111/j.2007.0906-7590.05343.x
  13. Perkins, S.; Altizer, S.; Bjornstad, O.; Burdon, J.J.; Clay, K.; Gómez-Aparicio, L.; Jeschke, J.M.; Johnson, P.; Lafferty, K.D.; Malmstrom, C.M.; Martin, P.; Power, A.; Strayer, D.L.; Thrall, P.H.; Uriarte, M. 2008. Invasion biology and parasitic infections. In: Ostfeld, R.; Keesing, F.; Eviner, V. (Hrsg.). Infectious disease ecology: effects of ecosystems on disease and of disease on ecosystems, S. 179-204. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
  14. Jeschke, J. 2006. Ehrengäste außer Kontrolle - Eingeführte Arten: ein unterschätztes Problem [Guests of honor out of control - Introduced species: an underestimated problem]. raum&zeit 141, 58-64.
  15. Jeschke, J.M.; Strayer, D.L. 2006. Determinants of vertebrate invasion success in Europe and North America. Global Change Biology 12, 1608-1619. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2006.01213.x
  16. Strayer, D.L.; Eviner, V.T.; Jeschke, J.M.; Pace, M.L. 2006. Understanding the long-term effects of species invasions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 21, 645-651. DOI:10.1016/j.tree.2006.07.007
  17. Jeschke, J.M.; Strayer, D.L. 2005. Invasion success of vertebrates in Europe and North America. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 102, 7198-7202. DOI:10.1073/pnas.0501271102

Räuber und ihre Beute

  1. Jeschke, J.M.; Hohberg, K. 2008. Predicting and testing functional responses: an example from a tardigrade-nematode system. Basic and Applied Ecology 9, 145-151. DOI:10.1016/j.baae.2007.01.006
  2. Jeschke, J.M.; Laforsch, C.; Tollrian, R. 2008. Animal prey defenses. In: Jørgensen, S.E.; Fath, B.D. (Hrsg.). Encyclopedia of Ecology, S. 189-194. Elsevier, Oxford.
  3. Jeschke, J.M. 2007. When carnivores are "full and lazy".Oecologia 152, 357-364. DOI:10.1007/s00442-006-0654-2
  4. Jeschke, J.M.; Tollrian, R. 2007. Prey swarming: which predators become confused and why? Animal Behaviour 74, 387-393. DOI:10.1016/j.anbehav.2006.08.020
  5. Jensen, C.X.J.; Jeschke, J.M.; Ginzburg, L.R. 2007. A direct, experimental test of resource vs. consumer dependence: comment. Ecology 88, 1600-1602.
  6. Jeschke, J.M. 2006. Density-dependent effects of prey defenses and predator offenses. Journal of Theoretical Biology 242, 900-907. DOI:10.1016/j.jtbi.2006.05.017
  7. Jeschke, J.M.; Kopp, M.; Tollrian, R. 2006. Time and energy constraints: reply to Nolet & Klaassen (2005). Oikos 114, 553-554. DOI:10.1111/j.2006.0030-1299.14975.x
  8. Jeschke, J.M.; Tollrian, R. 2005. Effects of predator confusion on functional responses. Oikos 111, 547-555. DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0706.2005.14118.x
    Excel spreadsheet for calculating functional responses with one of the models developed here
  9. Jeschke, J.M.; Tollrian, R. 2005. Predicting herbivore feeding times. Ethology 111, 187-206.

    Figure 3
  10. Jeschke, J.M.; Kopp, M.; Tollrian, R. 2004. Consumer-food systems: why type I functional responses are exclusive to filter feeders. Biological Reviews 79, 337-349. DOI:10.1017/s1464793103006286
    Supplement (Excel spreadsheet)
    Excel spreadsheet for calculating functional responses with the model developed here
  11. Jeschke, J.M.; Quillen, L.M. 2004. Only the clever survive: prey use 5 methods to outsmart their predators. Poughkeepsie Journal 15.2., 7B.
  12. Jeschke, J.M.; Kopp, M.; Tollrian, R. 2002. Predator functional responses: discriminating between handling and digesting prey. Ecological Monographs 72, 95-112.
    Excel spreadsheet for calculating functional responses with the SSS equation or Holling's disc equation
  13. Jeschke, J.M.; Tollrian, R. 2000. Density-dependent effects of prey defences. Oecologia 123, 391-396. DOI:10.1007/s004420051026

Andere Themen

  1. Jeschke, J.; Peller, E. Im Druck. Von r-Strategen und K-Strategen sowie schnellen und langsamen Lebenszyklen. In: Dreesmann, D.; Graf, D.; Witte, K. (Hrsg.). Evolutionsbiologie – Moderne Themen für den Unterricht. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg.
  2. Uhlmann, S.S.; Jeschke, J.M. 2011. Comparing factors associated with total and dead sooty shearwater bycatch in New Zealand trawl fisheries. Biological Conservation 144, 1859-1865. DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2011.02.025
  3. Jeschke, J. 2009. Ist das Leben vorbestimmt? Ist freier Wille eine Illusion? Universitas online.
  4. Jeschke, J.M.; Kokko, H. 2009. The roles of body size and phylogeny in fast and slow life histories. Evolutionary Ecology 23, 867-878. DOI:10.1007/s10682-008-9276-y
  5. Jeschke, J.M.; Kokko, H. 2008. Mortality and other determinants of bird divorce rate. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63, 1-9. DOI:10.1007/s00265-008-0646-9
  6. Jeschke, J.M.; Gabriel, W.; Kokko, H. 2008. r-strategists / K-strategists. In: Jørgensen, S.E.; Fath, B.D. (Hrsg.). Encyclopedia of Ecology, S. 3113-3122. Elsevier, Oxford.
  7. Mayer, F.W.; Duewel, S.; Haas, A.; Naumann, M.; Jantzen, C.; Jeschke, J.M.; Wild, C. 2008. COREweb, a web-based information management solution for experimental data from the field of coral reef ecology. Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Session number 16.
  8. Jeschke, J.M.; Wanless, S.; Harris, M.P.; Kokko, H. 2007. How partnerships end in guillemots Uria aalge: chance events, adaptive change, or forced divorce? Behavioral Ecology 18, 460-466. DOI:10.1093/beheco/arl109
  9. Jeschke, J. 2006. Der Weg der Nachhaltigkeit. Universitas online.
  10. Smith, M.F.; Eviner, V.T.; Weathers, K.; Uriarte, M.; Ewing, H.; Jeschke, J.M.; Groffman, P; Jones, C.G. 2005. Creating individual awareness about Responsible Conduct in Research: A case study of one institution's approach for researchers and administrators. Journal of Research Administration 36, 21-25.
  11. Jeschke, J. 2004. Das Gute und das Böse. Warum Menschen moralisch sind. Universitas online.
    Auch zu finden auf der Website des Forum46 – Interdisziplinäres Forum für Europa:
  12. Urhahne, D.; Jeschke, J.; Krombaß, A.; Harms, U. 2004. The validation of questionnaire data on interest in animals and plants with log files. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie 18, 213-219. DOI:10.1024/1010-0652.18.34.213
  13. Harms, U.; Neidl, M.; Jeschke, J. 2003. Einfluss von Kontext und Lerntätigkeit auf das Interesse von Schülerinnen und Schülern der 11. Jahrgangsstufe am Thema Molekulargenetik [The influence of context and learning activity on students’ interest in molecular genetics]. In: Bauer, A.; Bayrhuber, H.; Bittner, A.; Bögeholz, S.; Gehlhaar, K.-H.; Harms, U.; Horn, F.; Hößle, C.; Kattmann, U.; Krüger, D.; Lehnert, H.-J.; Keiner, K.; Lude, A.; Mayer, J.; Prechtl, H.; Retzlaff-Fürst, C.; Sandmann, A.; Schlüter, K.; Schmitt-Scheersoi, A.; Upmeier zu Belzen, A.; Vogt, H.; Ziemek, H.-P. Entwicklung von Wissen und Kompetenzen im Biologieunterricht: Internationale Tagung der Sektion Biologiedidaktik im VdBiol - Berlin, 14. bis 19. September 2003, S. 163-166. IPN, Kiel.
  14. Schreilechner, P.; Krombass, A.; Urhahne, D.; Jeschke, J.; Harms, U. 2002. Multimediales Lernen im Naturkundemuseum Dornbirn: Das EU-Projekt "TREBIS"– Informationen über Artenvielfalt und Ökologie [Multimedia learning in Dornbirn's natural history museum: the EU-project 'TREBIS'– information on biodiversity and ecology]. In: Umweltdachverband (ed.). Leben in Hülle und Fülle: Vielfältige Wege zur Biodiversität, S. 119-122. FORUM Umweltbildung, Wien.
  15. Kopp, M.; Jeschke, J.M.; Gabriel, W. 2001. Exact compensation of stream drift as an evolutionarily stable strategy. Oikos 92, 522-530. DOI:10.1034/j.1600-0706.2001.920313.x


  1. Jeschke, J.M. Im Druck. The wolf’s tooth: keystone predators, trophic cascades, and biodiversity, C. Eisenberg, Island Press, Washington, DC (2010). 272pp., $35.00 (hardback), $23.95 (paperback), ISBN: 9781597263979 (hardback), 9781597263986 (paperback). Basic and Applied Ecology. DOI:10.1016/j.baae.2011.04.002
  2. Kollmann, J.; Jeschke, J.M. Im Druck. Fifty years of Invasion Ecology – The Legacy of Charles Elton. D.M. Richardson (ed.). Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford (2011). 432 pp., £45 (paperback), £95 (hardcover), ISBN: 978-1-4443-3586-6 (paperback), 978-1-4443-3585-9 (hardcover). Basic and Applied Ecology. DOI:10.1016/j.baae.2011.07.001
  3. Jeschke, J.M. 2010. Invasive Species Management: A Handbook of Principles and Techniques, M.N. Clout, P.A. Williams (Eds.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2009). 336pp., £65.00 (Hardback), £32.50 (Paperback), ISBN: 978-0-19-921632-1 (Hardback), 978-0-19-921633-8 (Paperback). Basic and Applied Ecology 11, 558-559. DOI :10.1016/j.baae.2010.06.003
  4. Jeschke, J.M. 2009. Biological Invasions in Marine Ecosystems: Ecological, Management, and Geographic Perspectives. G. Rilov and J.A. Crooks (Eds.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2009). 642pp., €192.55, ISBN:978-3-540-79235-2. Basic and Applied Ecology 10, 580. DOI:10.1016/j.baae.2009.04.001
  5. Jeschke, J.M. 2009. Biological Invaders in Inland Waters: Profiles, Distribution, and Threats, F. Gherardi (Ed.). Springer, Dordrecht (2007). 733pp., € 139.05, ISBN: 978-1-4020-6028-1. Basic and Applied Ecology 10, 486. DOI:10.1016/j.baae.2008.10.003
  6. Jeschke, J.M. 2008. Predation in Organisms: A Distinct Phenomenon, A.M.T. Elewa (Ed.). Springer, Berlin (2007). 311pp., price €106.95, ISBN: 978-3-540-46044-2. Basic and Applied Ecology 9, 614. DOI:10.1016/j.baae.2007.12.007